2013년 7월 8일 월요일

My Challenge To Join Speaking Club In English.

I failed to join speaking club in English. But It is interesting. I continuous practice efforts. I prepared answers and question under the this sentences. 

o  What do you want to join this club?
I want to join this club because of skill of my English conversation. I can’t speak English well. When I say myself, I speak in English a little. But I’m nervous when I talk other people in English. I wish I’ll change my attitude. Then I want to join this club.
o  Let you introduce yourself.
Okay. Let me introduce myself. At first my name is Oksu Park. I recently made my English name that is Oscar. O.S.C.A.R. anyway my hobby is climbing, swimming, and reading a book. I especially like climbing. Climbing is a kind of X-sports, but can start easy. I recently started to do climbing. There are 3 weeks ago. Oh. I do climbing because of ‘finding flow’. What do you mean this word? In short, I only think to do climbing when I do climbing. If I have to think something, I exactly fall down to floor. I promise. I like to do many exercises, studying and actions. There is this club, too.
o  What’s your major?
My major is electronics until 2009. Electronics is a kind of engineering. I am interested in my major. However, professors of my university teach proofs, theorems, theories, principles. They did, they do, they will do. I just have complaints about that. Any people said “they call gangster of getting job about 전자,화공,기계, in short 전화기.” Anyway electronics have a great and powerful vision. But I’ll continuous, continuous, continuous get efforts. Then I have to C language, microprocessor and English.
o  How many times did you take a TOEIC?
There are 4 times. My highest record of TOEIC is 445. I really don’t like to study for only TOEIC. Then I am interested in this club. I am listening GMP that is ‘Good morning Pops’ at 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. every day in KBS CoolFM. I hope I do English preasantly.
o  What do you want to do in future?
I am junior present in university. I wish to join Google or even to make a company like Google. I say honest. This question is hard, very hard. Continuously I am thinking to decide startup or getting job. It is biggest my dilemma.

o  What do you study for English? /What are you studying for English?
I am listening GMP that is Goodmorning Pop. I am listening GMP because of 이근철; Jake. I watched 이근철 from 열정락서; PassionTalkConcert in Youtube. I am impressed by his presentation. He said “enjoy speaking, express emotion!” It is very impressed. He also said “ ’Short term memories’ goes into ‘Long term memories’. How? There are two ways. One is impression, the other is repetition. Then repetition is boring. A way how to repeat must have fun.” Anyway recommend to watch this presentation.
o  Why are you studying English?
At first, it is very interesting. Why? If I speak naturally in English, area of conversation is increased. There is attraction. When I trip, when I talk, when I read a book, when I search internet I feel impress. In addition, I need it for my major. When I study bring many major books I feel hard also professors teach electronics in English. English is material to study. Finally, I wish to join Google because it is a company of America. I rest my case.
o  What are you doing? What do you plan in vacation?( 예상 못함 이 것 때문에 문제가됨)
I am joining a club called Purple Dip. There is a goal for startup. We are studying C language, now. And we are finding item of startup. And I am doing two of reading club. One is in Wednesday, the other is in Thursday. I’m going to swim in the morning 3 times a week. I’m going to do climbing in the evening 3 times a week, too. I always listen GMP, whenever I ride a bus. I am reading a book after waking up and before going to bed. I go to the university every day except weekends. I’ll prepare ‘TI innovation Challenge’ until September this year. I got to make basic English ability and deep studying of electronics in vacation.

I got to come clean I can’t speak English well. I prepared many answers about expected question but I’m not preparing for this question. I am interesting, now. We talk in English each other. I don’t know what I said. Are good things coming my way? I rest my case. Thanks 

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